
Speculative Scenario


Farmers learned to adapt their crops to climate change by premature experimentation with crops in micro-greenhouses that can simulate in their inside the climate of any city in the world, according to climate prediction models, and could analyze how plants act in them through DIY phenotyping technology that trains AI models that recommends them the best way of growing depending on the conditions they have.
In this way, smallholder farmers got the knowledge of which plants worked in their future climate and how is the best way to grow them in that time and place, so they can be more resilient to climate change.

Smallholder farmers and markets were interconnected through a blockchain platform where they could exchange information about prices, markets, democratized seeds, nutrients, satellite imaginary and weather databases, so they make smarter decisions about what they grow, where they grow it and how to grow it depending on the offer, demand, market prices, and weather.

Small farmers create open-source modular machines in which they can add value to their crops by transforming their harvest into other products that can be stored and preserved easier, and sell them with a higher value. Machines that do not only work for one function, or one kind of production but instead, machines that can be reassembled modularly so they work in other seasons, for another kind of harvested goods.


Site was started with Mobirise